Thursday 12 December 2024 from 8.30am to 3.15pm, Enedis informs us that power cuts are to be expected in certain areas of the Commune. (See details on the photo attached)
Ateliers Numriques survey
We would like to hear your views on the use of digital technology to organise digital workshops in Gras. Paper forms can be found at the grocery shop in St Vincent and at the post office in the village of Gras.
Itinerant Adapted Physical Activities
The next adapted physical activity workshop will take place in St Remèze at the salle polyvalente on Tuesday 19 November from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm.
Anyone over 60 is invited to take part, regardless of where they live!
Don't wait any longer, sign up!
Free "Eat Well, Move Well" workshops for seniors
Registrations can be made by telephone on